The story of God provides God's people with their identities. We believe the story teaches us that we are a Family of Servant Missionaries.
We are family. God the Father has adopted us into his family as sons and daughters of the most high God! Rather than viewing our Christianity through the lens of individuals, we believe we are a family who live our lives together in the everyday stuff of life. The story shows that from the beginning to the end, God has always had a people. The church is the present-day people who have been formed into a family. Therefore, we gather regularly to eat, celebrate, rest, and share life.
We are servants. Jesus, as the present ruler of all things, disadvantaged himself for the sake of others. He came not to be served but to serve. Since Jesus was willing to serve us to the point of death, we seek to live out our identity as servants through lovingly serving our neighbors, the marginalized, and those people God brings into our lives.
We are missionaries. The church exists to witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus throughout the entire world. We intentionally seek to bring good news in word and deed to all those the Lord brings into our paths.The story teaches the church that God has always had a people (family/community) whom he has given a mission to accomplish his purposes. The ethic that defines these Spirit-empowered people is loving service.
We seek to live out identities based on the story of God through our Missional Communities (MCs). Ready to find a Missional Community? Browse our MCs here or contact Pastor Scott Osborne